Here, you can find information on animal welfare legislation. Access detailed guidelines, standards, and legal frameworks that protect animal rights globally. Please note that the documents do not belong to us and are provided as download redirects from their respective original pages.

The Importance of Access to Animal Welfare Legislation

Guiding Principles and Standards

Access to comprehensive animal welfare legislation is essential for establishing clear guidelines and standards that protect animals. Legislation provides a legal framework that outlines the responsibilities of individuals and organizations in ensuring the humane treatment of animals. It sets minimum standards for animal care and addresses issues such as housing, nutrition, veterinary care, and handling.

Ensuring Compliance and Enforcement

Legislation also plays a critical role in enforcement and compliance. By having access to detailed legal requirements, authorities can more effectively monitor and enforce animal welfare standards. This helps to prevent neglect, abuse, and exploitation of animals. Penalties and consequences for violations are also clearly defined within these laws, acting as a deterrent to potential offenders.

Promoting Advocacy and Education

For advocates and educators, access to animal welfare legislation is invaluable. It allows them to inform the public about the legal rights and protections afforded to animals, and to campaign for stronger laws where needed. Educational programs can use these legal frameworks to teach best practices in animal care and to highlight the importance of legislative measures in protecting animal welfare.


Normative Resolutions
European Union



Animal Law



  • The PREPARE Guidelines The PREPARE Guidelines, and this section of the Norecopa website, have been developed with the involvement and support of the Animals in Science Department of the RSPCA. As part of ongoing efforts to reduce waste, promote animal alternatives (all the three Rs), and increase the reproducibility of research and testing, a group of experts from the UK and Norway, led by Norecopa, has produced a set of guidelines for planning experiments
United Kingdom

Collection of data 

  • Science Regulation Unit – The Animals in Science Regulation Unit is responsible for administering and enforcing The Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 in England, Scotland and Wales.




Animal Legal and historical center – On this site you will find a comprehensive repository of information about animal law, including: over 1200 full text cases (US, historical, and UK), over 1400 US statutes, over 60 topics and comprehensive explanations, legal articles on a variety of animal topics and an international collection. international collection.

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