The AWIN (Animal Welfare Indicators) project is a European Union-funded initiative aimed at improving the welfare of animals by developing and validating scientifically based indicators.


The AWIN (Animal Welfare Indicators) project, funded by the European Union, aims to enhance the welfare of animals, including horses, by developing scientifically validated indicators and protocols. These indicators help in assessing various aspects of animal welfare, ensuring their physical and psychological well-being.


Key Components of the AWIN Project:


  1. Development of Welfare Indicators: AWIN focuses on creating practical, science-based indicators to evaluate the welfare of different animals. For horses, this includes assessing body condition, lameness, behavior, and overall health.
  2. Research and Validation: The project involves extensive research to validate the indicators, ensuring they are reliable and can be effectively used in real-world scenarios.
  3. Education and Training: AWIN aims to educate stakeholders, such as veterinarians, animal caretakers, and farm managers, on using these indicators to monitor and improve animal welfare.
  4. Global Impact: By providing accessible and scientifically sound assessment tools, AWIN seeks to promote higher welfare standards globally, influencing policies and practices across the animal care industry.


Importance of the Project:


  • Improved Animal Welfare: By systematically assessing welfare indicators, the AWIN project helps identify and address welfare issues, leading to better health and quality of life for animals.
  • Evidence-Based Approach: The use of scientifically validated indicators ensures that welfare assessments are accurate and actionable.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Educating and involving various stakeholders fosters a collaborative approach to animal welfare, encouraging widespread adoption of best practices.


For more information on the AWIN detailed protocols click here.

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