A Global Portal on Animal Welfare

Join us in sharing knowledge and advancing animal welfare worldwide.

Do you know what the 5 Freedoms are and what they represent?

The “Five Freedoms” refer to a set of internationally recognized standards of animal welfare.

These freedoms serve as a foundation for assessing and promoting the well-being of animals in various settings, including farms, laboratories, zoos, and households.

Freedom from Hunger and Thirst

Providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.

Freedom from Pain, Injury, or Disease

Prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.

Freedom from Pain, Injury, or Disease

Prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.

Freedom from Discomfort

Providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.

Freedom from Fear and Distress

Ensuring conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering.

What we offer

Our platform provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources designed to support animal welfare education and advocacy. Dive into our courses, join discussions in our forums, stay updated with the latest news, and much more.

Educational Courses

Access a wide range of courses tailored to various aspects of animal welfare.

Interactive Forum

Engage with experts and peers in discussions about best practices and innovations in animal welfare.

Resource Library

Browse and download images, videos, and documents to enhance your knowledge and teaching materials.

Collaborative Partnerships

Advancing Excellence in Animal Welfare Education through Scientific Collaboration

“We partner with esteemed educational institutions to promote high-quality, scientifically-backed knowledge in animal welfare. These collaborations ensure the effective transfer of expertise and best practices, fostering a global community dedicated to continuous learning and improvement.”

Professor Adroaldo José Zanella
Animal Welfare Specialist Veterinarian

Some of Our Collaborators

Professor Elisabeta Canali

A prominent researcher in animal welfare science from the University of Milan. Her extensive work in the field has greatly advanced the understanding of animal behavior and welfare, making her a leading figure in promoting humane treatment and care for animals.

Professor Adroaldo José Zanella

Distinguished scholar in animal welfare science. With extensive experience in research and education, he has made significant contributions to the field, promoting better standards of animal care and welfare worldwide.

Professor Donald Broom

Renowned expert in animal welfare science from the University of Cambridge. With decades of research and numerous publications, he has significantly contributed to the understanding and improvement of animal welfare globally.

General Questions

Animal Welfare HUB is a global destination dedicated to promoting the well-being and humane treatment of animals. Our platform offers a wealth of resources, information, and educational content to empower individuals, businesses, and organizations in advocating for animal welfare.

There are several ways to contribute to Animal Welfare HUB:

  • Share your knowledge and expertise by uploading articles, documents, or resources related to animal welfare.
  • Participate in our online courses and become a certified advocate for animal welfare.
  • Engage with our community forums and share your experiences, ideas, and insights.
  • Support our mission by spreading awareness, partnership, collaborating with educative material or contacting us to check other options.

Upon completing an online course on Animal Welfare HUB, you will have the opportunity to earn a certification. Simply follow the instructions provided within the course to obtain your certification.

About Us

Welcome to Animal Welfare HUB, your ultimate global destination for all things related to animal welfare.

At Animal Welfare HUB, our mission is to be the number one source for information, resources, and education on animal welfare worldwide. We’re dedicated to creating a world where every creature is treated with compassion and respect.


Explore a wealth of images, videos, and documents to enhance your knowledge and teaching.

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